Sunday, 5 February 2012


I love photographing maternity. Out of anything in this world that I could photograph, this is my favorite.  There is a certain kind of energy between a mother and her unborn baby that glows in almost every image, and it is amazing!  

If you are pregnant and would like to capture this amazing time in your life - or know someone who is, send me an email ( ) and I would be more than happy to discuss a shoot. I am also offering half price on my shoots for the months of February and March.



Thursday, 12 January 2012


This is a photograph I took on the 11th December 2011 at Bondi Beach, Australia, when mother nature exposed this magnificent storm cloud.... I'd like to thank my boyfriend for losing his mobile phone on the beach, causing us a delayed departure so I was able to shoot this...! He found his phone and I got this shot. Double click on the image below to view a larger, full picture...

Image For Sale